
Contact Info.

Custom Monument Company
Contact: Sandra Evans
895 US #1 Hwy.
Rockingham, NC 28379
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Business Hours
Monday - Friday: 8 am - 5 pm

Home Lettering
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We offer many styles of lettering.  In addition to a variety of fonts, we also offer a variety of techniques for carving lettering into stone.  This involves different outline treatments as well as different processes for finishing the stone or panel area around lettering.  Here are some samples that may help you with your selection.

LetteringSunk (V-Sunk) Sandblasted In Steeled Finish (Modified Roman)

LetteringFrosted Outline (Double Outline) Letters in Polish (Sans Serif/Optima)

LetteringFrosted Outline (Double Outline) Letters in Polish (Modified Roman)

LetteringSunk (V-Sunk) Sandblasted In Steeled Finish (Uncial Gothic)

LetteringSquare Edge Raised Letters in a Straight Line Panel (Modified Classic Roman)

LetteringFrosted Outline (Double Outline) Letters in Polish (Custom Font/Hand-Drawn)

LetteringSunk (V-Sunk) Sandblasted In Steeled Finish (Old English)

LetteringFrosted Outline (Double Outline) Letters in Polish (Old English)

LetteringSunk (Sandblasted) Into Polish (Vermarco)

LetteringSunk (V-Sunk) Sandblasted In Steeled Finish (Condensed Modified Roman)

LetteringSunk (V-Sunk) Sandblasted In Steeled Finish (Modified Roman)

LetteringRound Edge Raised Letters in Relief (Custom Lettering/Hand-Drawn)

LetteringRound Edge Raised Letters in a Straight Line Panel (Modified Classic Roman)

















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